Thursday, 19 May 2011

Sneaky preview

This week, originally uploaded by planetutopia.

Here's a sneaky preview of whats going on ebay tonight. More items will be added to the website on Friday

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Vintage finds

Vintage finds, originally uploaded by planetutopia.

Mmmm, lots of lovely enamelware to add to our website in the next couple of days.

Flickr Group started

This week, originally uploaded by planetutopia.

If you love vintage enamelware, we have just started a group on Flickr, vintage kitchen enamel. Flickr members are welcome to post photo's of all there lovely enamelware, from Cathrineholm, Finel, Kockums, etc. Hoping to make a bright and fun collection for the world to view.

Friday, 6 May 2011

This week

This week, originally uploaded by planetutopia.

Yey... more lovely things added to our website, do take a look.